Thursday, March 26, 2009

1. Word / Phrase:
Meaning: to me this means a room or building for displaying works of art.

Context: I saw this word on my internship walls.

2. Word / Phrase: Archetypical
Meaning: to me this means to represent an original type after which other similar things are patterned.
Context: I hear it from Hector Canonge he is an artist that came to my internship.

3. Word / Phrase: Acculturation
Meaning: this word can describe both cross-cultural or intercultural borrowing and the process by which person acquire knowledge of the culture in which they live. Context: i saw it in one application that my mentor gave to us.

4. Word / Phrase: Acrylic
a plastic-based painting medium which, because it is water soluble, dries quickly and cleans up easily.
Context: in my mentor's office is an acrylic blackboard and she put all the events days.

5. Word / Phrase: Air Brush
Meaning: a device which sprays paint with compressed air to offer a broad range of applications, from wide patches of paint to thin mists enabling precise details. Context:all Wanda Ortiz use air brush to paint her art works.
posted by SiLvia at 6:32 AM - 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
week one
this first week was short and i didn't do nothing just talking with my mentor and her boss Bennie Matias... the first day that i went to work was excited because i thought that i was going to do something about the career that i want to be...(fashion designer) but =( i got dissapointed because this is an association of hispanic art nothing to do with "FASHION"........
posted by SiLvia at 11:22 AM - 1 comments
What is it?
the site were I work is about an Association of Hispanic Art, it's called AHA!

What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?
The Association of Hispanic Arts (AHA) is a non-profit learning institute for Latino artists and arts administrators. Its mission is to promote career development, financial independence, and networking opportunities for individual artists and creative entrepreneurs.

Where is it? What is the neighborhood like compared to where our school is?
AHA is located at:1702 Lexington Avenue, Ground Floor
El Barrio, New York 10029

Tell a little about your mentor.
My mentor's name is Jasmin Rivera, she is Puerto Rican and Bennie Matias, she is the boss of the association.

What kinds of things have you done so far?
i have done many things like, putting in order a lot of files and also searching for arts associations and artists. we also had an event about Hector Canonge is a filmmaker & New Media artist, Karent and me help him to put all his projects in the walls for the presentation that he had on march 05.

What were some of the highlights of the fourth week? (Memorable moments, cool things, incredibly difficult things...) well i did not have a wonderful week because i'm sick and i was kind of bored, but i try my best finishing all my work.

Please answer some logistical questions...

When do you leave school?
i leave school at 12:00pm

How long does it take you to get to your internship?
it's take me like 45 minutes and sometimes 1 hour when the train is slow.....

When do you arrive at home?
i arrive home at 4:00pm and sometimes at 5 or 6.

What is your schedule? (What days do you work and for how long each day?)
i work the four days from 1:00 pm to 4:00pm and sometimes i do extra time...

Who are the two people that can sign your time card? (Your mentor and the additional person)
my mentor Jasmin and Bennie

Part 3
This is a supplemental assignment for your fourth week.

How was the fourth week different than the third week?
well this week was kind of boring because i'm a little bit sick...

What is something that you really like about the internship?
well right now i'm pretty good... i dont know what i really like =|

What is something you dislike about the internship?
i'm good with everything i do in my internship....

Who Else's blog have your read and commented on?
i haven't read and commented yet!!!
posted by SiLvia at 6:39 AM - 1 comments
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Brushes by Gvalkyrie